Life presents many challenges, some positive, others less so. Sometimes the challenges are obvious, eg the death of a loved one, relationship breakdown or health issues; other times the issues may not be so clear, but we know that we do not feel at our best, or are not sure how to move forward.
You are unique. Your lifestyle, personality and outlook on life are unique. Your issues are unique, as are your solutions. Using an integrated approach, I can work with you to understand what is going on and determine how best to support you in making positive change for the future.
For clients who find it hard to express themselves through spoken language, I use creative and play therapy to enable expression and communication.
I hope that you find this site useful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Karen Butler
Adv Prof Dip PC, MNCS, BSc(Hons), Accredited Journey Practitioner